Mod-ing because I can

A mini doesn't need central locking….its got two doors that a small child can reach both when inside…..but the alarm I plan to install has connections for the locking so why not.

The Wood & Picket or MiniSpares kits have all you need but are £140-ish!!! A generic kit from Aliexpress cost me £17 with 2 master and 2 slave motors plus rods and mounting bars….so all we needed to do was;

1. Make a pivot arm (red line in photo).
2. Install the motor inside the door, marked in green.
3. Connect the provided push rod (blue line) to the home made pivot arm
4. Use the provided mounting plate as the pivot point (yellow)
5. Drill and rivet the pivot arm to the existing lock push bar.
6. Repeat for the other side. Master motor on drivers side (5 wires) slave motor on passenger side (2 wires).

Window winds up and down without catching anything and a little clearance between it and the top of the motor when the window is fully down.

Oh and then drill the door edge and A pillar of course! I'll feed and connect wires when the door goes in.
