Ready (enough) for a first run!

After 30yrs of dormancy and nearly 2 years of tinkering, dismantling, engineering and welding….everything needed to drive again is bolted on!

This is a very nervous moment for us and our first full 'nut and bolt' build!

If she looks a little jacked up it's because the suspension doughnuts and hi/lo's need to settle before we can set the true ride height.

12 miles for a first run, no issues other than bonnet wobble. Taking it carefully, we've built up the revs and cycled through a run in programme: floor it in 3rd gear @ 2,200 rpm for 8 secs, then ease off gently for 30 secs and repeat (15 times).

We need to adjust the idle when warm as it's too slow once warmed up, and the fuel/air ratio gauge shows were perhaps a little rich on the mixture…..but all to be expected.

Overall, a great success and sounds great 👍
